How to Remove Wrinkles with Coconut oil

With skin aging wrinkles appear. But these days’ young teenagers are also experiencing the sign of aging very early which is alarming. Many say that coconut oil is good for wrinkle treatment. But how to use coconut oil for wrinkles?

Is Coconut Oil Good for Wrinkles?
Coconut oil is known to be one of the popular massage oil especially for facial skin. It can also be used as a natural and effective moisturizer for skin of all types.

How to Use Coconut Oil for Wrinkles?
Coconut oil alone can do wonders for the skin, but when added with other natural ingredients it will make the skin lively and free from wrinkle.

Coconut oil and Baking Soda for Wrinkles
Baking Soda acts in a natural way for tightening and lifting of skin and reduces the appearance of skin wrinkles. It naturally exfoliates dead skin and tightens the skin pores.
How to Remove Wrinkles with Coconut oil


  • Baking Soda
  • Coconut oil
  • Lavender Oil
  • Tea Tree Oil

Preparation Time: 10 minutes.


  1. Take glass jar, take ¼ cup coconut oil.
  2. Now add 3 spoons baking soda.
  3. Mix it well with spoon.
  4. Now, add 2 drops of lavender oil and 2 drops of tea tree oil and mix again.
  5. Keep the jar in bathroom.
  6. Take a spoon out of this mix and massage it gently on face
  7. Leave it for 7 minutes and rinse with water.

How it works: It nourishes the skin and makes it soft. Coconut oil and baking soda are best amazing anti-aging ingredients. Baking Soda cleans skin and coconut oil nourishes it.
Repetitions: 3 to 4 times a week
Best time to Apply: Before bath or in your free time.
Tips: Avoid using it near the eye area. Use toner to moisturize the skin after rinsing face.

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