How To Use Coconut Oil To Remove Face Makeup

If you’re looking for another way to use coconut oil, this article is for you! Learn how to remove eye makeup using just coconut oil.
How To Use Coconut Oil To Remove Face Makeup

Coconut oil is the holy grail of homemade, and I’ve been using it for just about everything.  I’m still working on my homemade hair shampoo recipe using coconut oil (I’ll share that with you when it has been perfected!) but I’ve discovered the awesomeness that is coconut oil for eye makeup remover. And it’s so much easier than you might think. While I had always gotten deals on store-bought makeup remover, those wipes felt like such a waste and left my lashes feeling dry and stiff. Enter: Coconut oil!

Coconut oil is silky smooth, it leaves the tender skin around my eyes feeling rejuvenated, it is super cost effective (you literally need about a pea-sized drop) and it smells like I just got back from a tropical vacation. What’s not to love? So here’s how you use it to remove your eye makeup.

To start: Take a very small amount of coconut oil and rub between your fingertips. If it is in a semi-solid state it will soften up with the warmth of your fingers.  Take your fingertips and gently smooth the coconut oil onto your lashes, no need for tugging or pulling on the skin; it will glide right across.  The combination of the heat of your skin and the oil itself makes the mascara literally slide off your face.

Get some in your eye? DON’T FREAK OUT! Remember that it’s natural, it doesn’t hurt and it will rinse it right out in the next step. If you’ve got foundation or other face make up on, go ahead and massage the coconut oil around the rest of your face.  Next, use a warm wet washcloth to gently remove the coconut oil. Easy peasy!

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